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Things to Do in Fort Wayne and Beyond

Article Category: Local Musicians


When I joined local power groove metal act Gradeight for a recent jam session, frontman Sam Meyer was quick to offer me earplugs. “Believe me,”...

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Still Groove

Rewind to New Year’s Day 2007. While most people were busy sleeping it off or nursing hangovers, the three guys behind Still Groove were holding...

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Jan Krist

For Jan Krist, the singer/songwriter hosting the March 30 songwriters workshop at Come2Go Ministries, songwriting workshops, writing groups of all sorts,...

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Just when you think you’ve seen it all in local music you find BootLeg. In theory they’re a hodgepodge, motley crew of various genres. In...

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What She Said

Just in the last 10 years alone, the music business has changed dramatically. Where bands used to form in the hopes of getting a major label deal and...

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Bill Lupkin

Bill Lupkin’s musical career has ebbed and flowed, hitting incredible peaks before quietly subsiding while life’s other joys and challenges...

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Jon Ross

It’s hard for anyone paying even a modicum of attention to the Fort Wayne music scene for the past few years not to have heard of Jon Ross. A man known...

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Scott Snyder is a quiet, soft-spoken young man with a deep voice. He’s polite, well versed in a number of topics and experiences and an all-around nice...

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