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Things to Do in Fort Wayne and Beyond


Truckers in the Rear View

These days, it’s good to be Jason Isbell. A talented songwriter blessed with guitar-playing skills to match, the Alabama-born Isbell belts out country-flavored rock songs straight from the heart, leaving […]

Great Views, Music on Embassy Roof

The Embassy Theatre is one of Fort Wayne’s most beloved and historic treasures. The story of its once-certain demise, it’s salvation from the wrecking ball and its restoration to become […]

A 50-Year Reunion

I was four years old when The Monkees debuted on network television. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t watching that night, but it quickly it made its presence known to me. […]

A Week Full of Wunderbar

Suggestions anyone? It seems that Germans have a word for every complex emotion known to humans. You’ve probably heard of wanderlust and schadenfreude (pleasure derived from the pain of others), […]

Always working Both Onstage & Back

Fort Wayne’s current crop of ultra-prolific actors who perform in back-to-back shows includes Fort Wayne native and professional actor Aaron Mann. He’s a self-described perfectionist who is just as happy […]

The Local Library as Boredom Beater

Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I was a young mother with (obviously) even younger children. When they were very small I loved spending my days with them […]

Consummate Pros

When one of the biggest rock bands in history comes to you and asks you to be its new lead vocalist, you say, “Yes.” Without hesitation. That’s the conventional wisdom, […]

A Great, Big Show on a Small Stage

How are you going to do that big show on that little stage? That is the question I have heard so many times since last April when Arena announced that […]

A Musical Convergence

It only lasts two days, but Sweetwater’s GearFest is the kind of event people talk about for weeks, months, even years after the last tent comes down and guitar is […]

Arena Wraps Season With a Bang

A community theater can’t go wrong with a season-closing show like South Pacific, as Arena Dinner Theatre has proven. Already sold out before opening night, the production lives up to […]