What does it mean to generate movement? For Fort Wayne Dance Collective, it’s about embracing your inner imagination to achieve your perfect vision. At...
Professional dance has found its niche in current popular culture in the shortest of forms. TikTok videos, TV talent searches, and celebrity showcases...
Fort Wayne Dance Collective invites you to join them around a campfire to “whisper urban legends and scary stories under the light of the full moon”...
Everybody, and every body, can dance. Fort Wayne Dance Collective will highlight one of their core beliefs, in their annual show, Collective Expressions....
What do you imagine when you hear the word “lab”? Do you think of a scientist wearing goggles and conducting experiments? Or do you think of a Labrador...
If you missed Ailey II when they came to Indianapolis in February, you have a second chance to see them. In partnership with Fort Wayne Dance Collect,...