In April, The Clyde Theatre hosted the inaugural Debutants Ball, a carnival-type atmosphere that featured everything from aerial performers to a man...
The year was 1982, MTV fresh on the television, Ozzy Osbourne was eating bats on stage, and Bob and Cindy Roets turned a dream into reality when they...
Canadian blues rocker Anthony Gomes will return to Baker Street Centre on Saturday, March 5, at 8 p.m. His high-energy shows and dynamic stage presence...
Thanksgiving Eve, which this year falls on Nov. 24, is considered one of the biggest nights of the year when family and friends converge on their hometown...
From singing together in a school choir to performing on the big stage, The Arcadian Wild have crafted a unique acoustic sound that blends traditional...
It’s arguable that Cream was the first supergroup. Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce, and Ginger Baker joined forces and created songs like “Sunshine of Your...