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Things to Do in Fort Wayne and Beyond

Article Category: Local Musicians


When Charles “Chase” Keen and Brett Welch first crossed paths years ago, they couldn’t have had any inkling that down the road they’d be in a band making...

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Flat Tire Ambulance

Now in their tenth year, Flat Tire Ambulance have been bringing their brand of straight-ahead riff-heavy rock to the Summit City from their hometown...

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Three Cities

Fort Wayne, Marion and Lafayette. These are the three cities that comprise Three Cities, a quartet of musicians and friends from different parts of...

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Dixon & McRae

Shelly Dixon’s musical idols are Melissa Etheridge, Bonnie Raitt and Stevie Nicks, among many others.  “Definitely, I am covetous and envious of everyone...

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Void Reunion

Sometimes it can take a while to find the exact combination needed to make a great band. Case in point: Void Reunion.  Although singer/guitarist George...

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