When John Byrne arrived in town last year to assume his duties as artistic director for Fort Wayne Dance Collective, his first appearance came as the...
Oil painter John Michael Carter spends a lot of time traveling the world looking for scenes that excite him. It might be street life in Paris, a sunrise...
Ian Ruisard is an artist with many gifts and ways to apply them. Labeling himself as a graphic artist, his talents shine through in a cohesive style...
Ian Ruisard is an artist with many gifts and ways to apply them. Labeling himself as a graphic artist, his talents shine through in a cohesive style...
JJoshua looks at the world as a place he hopes to help improve. This improvement through his art and positivity is a main goal of this Canadian-born...
Nazar Harran spreads big thoughts across big canvases. His work is bold and shouts for attention. Once compared to Franz Klein, known for explosions...