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Things to Do in Fort Wayne and Beyond

Article Category: Art

Art Cislo

Pretensions are out the window when you meet Art Cislo in his studio at his quaint South Side home. Clad in suspender-hung khakis and his traditional...

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Terry Haffner

At 50, Terry Haffner is a mature man who dominates a room. He’s a fast talker, articulate, assured, one of six siblings that include a lawyer...

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Russell Oettel

A cross between the classic curmudgeon and Yoda, the much respected Russell Oettel – fine arts Professor Emeritus at IPFW, former head of the...

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Betty Fishman

When she arrives she appears in a color-coordinated outfit: red and black cardigan sweater over a black blouse with tailored black slacks and ox-blood...

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Billy Malone

Consider the basket. For thousands of years, people have used them to carry, haul and store countless items, from life-giving grain to romance-inducing...

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Crystal George

It’s been a few years since painter Crystal George last roamed the dusty paths and narrow lanes that frame the public market of Cochabamba in...

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Tim Brumbeloe

According to industry figures from a couple of years ago, there were nearly 200 million cameras in the U.S. accounting for something like 17 billion...

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Michael Poorman

To distill the essence of local painter Michael Poorman’s recent work is to retrace the artist’s own 40-plus-year journey of collecting, ...

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Joe Andersen

It may have only been a wild fantasy back then. It may not have even been anything that conscious. But Joseph Andersen’s journey to this point...

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