The Addams Family aired for two seasons on ABC in the ’60s, featuring characters created by cartoonist Charles Addams. A satirical version of the perfect American family, the Addamses are an odd, wealthy family who delight in the weird and are seemingly unaware or unconcerned that other people find them bizarre.
Though short-lived, the series had a profound influence on American culture. It also spawned other televisions shows as well as a number of well-received movies.
With all that in mind, Summit City Music Theatre is presenting The Addams Family musical Oct. 29-21 and Nov. 5-7 at The Charles in Fort Wayne.
The storyline follows the Addams family as they take on many of the same challenges faced by any other family including when Gomez and Morticia’s beloved daughter Wednesday, now 18 years old, decides she is ready for a life of her own. She has fallen in love with a boy from a normal, respectable Ohio family and invites his family to the Addams’ home for dinner.
In one fateful, hilarious night, secrets are disclosed, relationships are tested, and the Addams family must face up to the one horrible thing they have managed to avoid for generations.