Neil Hamburger is the most famous anti-comedian since Andy Kaufmann.

In stand-up comedy, the aim of anti-comedy or anti-humor is to get the audience to question the whole joke-delivering endeavor: What it means to bomb, what it means to be entertained, what the relationship between joke teller and patron should be.

Hamburger is not a likeable fellow. He delivers poor jokes poorly. He’s boorish. He’s out of touch. He makes audiences uncomfortable.

Neil Hamburger is the alter ego of Gregg Turkington, who plays a more conventional (but no less masterful) comic character on the web series, On Cinema at the Cinema.

If you are in on the joke, a Neil Hamburger performance can be a thrilling experience. Luckily, Fort Wayne will soon get a chance to sample just such an experience. On July 23, Hamburger will take the Tiger Room stage in all his tuxedoed, phlegmy, greasy-haired glory.