In a story rooted in the Charles Dickens’ classic A Christmas Carol, Mrs. Bob Cratchit’s Wild Christmas Binge hilariously departs from the tale long enough to tell the story of a young Scrooge who is diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome and visited by ghosts of his past, present, and future. The Ghost of Christmas Past is played by a sassy African-American woman with enough attitude to portray all three spirits (which she does).
The magic of the original story is present. But it keeps malfunctioning as they consistently find themselves transported to the wrong time and place.
Presented at the Arena Dinner Theatre in Fort Wayne, the show begins the weekend of Dec. 2-3 and continues each Friday and Saturday through Dec. 17. There will also be matinee shows on Dec. 11 and 18.
This play offers a chance to laugh in the holiday season while also enjoying a fresh take on an old classic and a specially made holiday meal.