For nearly four decades, The History Center has created some of their own history by staging the annual Festival of Gingerbread. 

The 39th annual festival officially kicks off Friday, Nov. 29, and runs through Sunday, Dec. 22. 

The gingerbread houses are built by children, teens, adults, and families. Among the technically edible creations are unique takes on historic buildings, family farms, villages, and a political piece or two. 

In addition to the gingerbread designs, storytelling for kids, crafts, entertainment, and a gingerbread cookie sale will take place once again this year, adding more excitement for younger attendees. 

Of course, the event wouldn’t be complete without Santa and Mrs. Claus making themselves available for photos throughout the event while taking note of the names of good little boys and girls they can add to their “nice” list. 

Special events include “Hand Puppet Night” on Saturday, Nov. 30, where you can make a reindeer puppet with your hand prints. On Sunday, Dec. 1, you can take home an ornament you make at the Legend of the Gingerbread Man Ornament, and Festival of Gingerbread Free Admission Night on Tuesday, Dec. 3.