Evan Gillespie
Whatzup Features Writer

Allan & Ashcraft / Allan & Ashcraft
There are a few essential elements in country music these days, and if you want to be successful as a country musician you have to be able to serve ’em […]

Brand New Bag / Fat Metaphysical Thing
The Best R&B or Hip Hop Band category in last years whatzup Readers Poll was expected to bring in votes for the substantial number of rap acts around Fort Wayne. […]

Francie Zucco / Enero!
Fort Wayne’s favorite jazz singer is back with a follow-up to 1998’s collection of winter songs, This Christmas. Enero! sticks to Zucco’s tradition of themed albums; this one follows a […]

David Todoran / Under My Skin
The music of David Todoran has long been popular at whatzup World Headquarters, but until about a year ago, I was only a casual fan. Last summer, I caught a […]

Bryon Thompson / Bryon Thompson
Fort Wayne’s Bryon Thompson plays a Godin A6 electric/acoustic hybrid guitar to produce a shiny sound that is capable of turning out a wide range of moods. “Wish You Well” […]
Mark Turner / Ballad Session
If jazz guitar isn’t your cup of tea, maybe you’d preferthe jazz saxophone of Ohio native Mark Turner. Ballad Session is Turner’s fourth release on Warner Brothers Records. His previous […]
Jackie Fly / Click
CD projects from local acts have been hitting the store shelves in in unbelievable numbers over the past few months. Digital technology is making it easier for local musicians to […]

Grace Engine / Sateen Dura-Luxe
Too many aspiring indie rockers think all that’s required to make good lo-fi music is an acoustic guitar and the ability to almost carry a tune (and “almost” is a […]

Colored Sands Glass Co.
I’m no daredevil, particularly when it comes to art. I’m comfortable with a paintbrush or a pencil, but I generally stay away from media that are capable of causing serious […]