Evan Gillespie
Whatzup Features Writer

Auburn Sunset
In the liner notes for Auburn Sunset, Joey Ortega thanks vocalist Kirk Johnson for convincing him to record the album, but aside from the inspiration, laying the album down on […]

Joey O. Band / Auburn Susnet
In the liner notes for Auburn Sunset, Joey Ortega thanks vocalist Kirk Johnson for convincing him to record the album, but aside from the inspiration, laying the album down on […]

Secret Mezzanine / Passing Dreams
The sounds of the space age in the intro that kicks off Secret Mezzanine’s Passing Dreams hint at a modernist ambition in the duo’s music, and the album’s track listing, […]

Mark Allen / Mark Allen
Mark Allen has modest goals for his self-released, self-titled EP: he just wants to sell the CDs he’s having produced. Despite the opportunities offered by the digital world, Allen isn’t […]

Mark Allen / Johnny the Tree
Earlier this year, Mark Allen teased his planned release of a full-length album of original material with a three-song EP of straight-ahead classic rock. Now that full-length album is here, […]

Jon Durnell / Chaos and Clarity
Don’t be too concerned by the title of Jon Durnell’s new album. Although the album’s songs offer plenty of clarity, there’s very little chaos to be found anywhere among the […]

Shoeshine Tommy / Shoeshine Tommy
Funk is in the middle of a resurgence right now, no doubt about it, but funk of the slick, uptown variety is not the kind that Shoeshine Tommy play. The […]
Three Cities / For the Price of One
Guitarist Patrick Brown says that when he thought about starting his own band, he had a vision of incorporating the influence of the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Queen, The Who, Van […]

Hannah Beck
When 20-year-old singer/songwriter Hannah Beck won the top prize at this summer’s Sonshine Festival tournament, a nationally recognized Christian music competition, it was merely the latest milestone in a professional […]