David Tanner
Whatzup Features Writer

Audrey Ushenko
In sitting and chatting with Audrey Ushenko one is quickly drawn into a life rich with music, painting, family and friends. Yet as accessible as this 50-ish artist and IPFW […]

Susan Suraci
It’s not easy at times to find the multi-dexterous Susie Suraci. She’s not a recluse, just a busy girl. During the work-a-day week she’s in the admissions Department at IPFW. […]

Joel Fremion
Collared once with the label “man of the cloth” for his intricate fabric collages, fifty-few-year-old local galleryist Joel Fremion remains today an enthusiastic and dedicated proselytizer for homegrown talent. “It […]

Jeff Strayer
Consider this description of a 12-year-old work as a not so simple, but revealing portrait of local philosopher/artist Jeff Strayer: The piece, enclosed in a 30-by-50-inch frame and behind glass, […]

David Seculoff
This is a story about David Seculoff, who, disguised as a mild-mannered, part-time doorman during the day, becomes a mild-mannered clarinetist and abstract painter off the clock. And, shhhh … […]

Tim Johnson
Style trumps pretty much everything except aesthetics according to artist Tim Johnson. It’s an adage clearly manifested in the 33 pieces that comprise his current show at Fort Wayne’s Kachmann […]

Julia Meek
Julia Meek, the widely respected Fort Wayne visual artist and radio personality, has become so associated with all things folk, eco-sound, pantheistic, natural, no artificial ingredients added, cooperative-building and mutual-aid […]

Dale Enochs
It’s been four years and four months ago since internationally known sculptor and former Fort Wayne resident Dale Enochs soloed at his friend David Kraus’ 1911 Gallery on South Calhoun […]

Charlie Cummings
Attired in a pair of baggy khaki shorts, a burnt orange t-shirt and cross trainers, 32-year-old clay artist Charlie Cummings recently sat calm, cool and collected, ensconced before a computer […]