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Things to Do in Fort Wayne and Beyond


Sunny Taylor / Sunny Taylor

There are songs that bring tears to your eyes. Sad songs. Songs about lost love and missed opportunity. Then there are songs that make you cry openly. Songs about death […]

The Cool Kids / When Fish Ride Bicycles

On paper When Fish Ride Bicycles is the proper debut full length from the Chicago- and Detroit-based duo The Cool Kids. This only because, when their first release came out, […]

Mark Thacker & Jeff McDonald / Over on Paint Street

Imagine driving down a less-traveled road in a vintage car, windows down, no particular destination or deadline or agenda to worry about. You see the details that you’d been too […]

Paul New Stewart

I had barely settled into my chair on the patio of the Venice Restaurant when Paul New Stewart asked me if I had heard of a comedian from the 1950s […]


I always thought we were all in it for the same thing – everyone, everywhere, doing whatever it is they do. We’re all in it for the glory and probably […]

Allan & Ashcraft / Allan & Ashcraft

There are a few essential elements in country music these days, and if you want to be successful as a country musician you have to be able to serve ’em […]

Simon Peter Band / Two Thousand Eleven EP

To theology majors the name Simon Peter brings to mind the fisherman disciple who cut off the ear of a high priest’s servant and denied Christ three times before the […]

Krimsha / Make Believe

Don’t let the cover art for Fort Wayne-based Krimsha’s debut full-length album, Make Believe, fool you. Despite the footprints-in-the-sand cover and vaguely wispy title, the music contained within dwells more […]


Right about now I’m wondering what the glue is that holds a band together? Music is so personal, and when you spend night after night trying to take five different […]

The Frye Family Band / Under Indiana Lights

Do not be alarmed, gentle reader. You may see that Under Indiana Lights is a “family band” and have your head filled with images of Partridge Family buses and charming […]