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Things to Do in Fort Wayne and Beyond


KK EKO / It Is Coming To Pass!

Finding the confidence to put one’s creative endeavors out into the world for people to see, hear, touch, interpret, and judge can often times be a bigger challenge than the […]

Andromeda / The Need

Politics aside, much can be said for and against purists of any kind. Tradition and roots are substantial holdings and carry the significance of the world, while progression and risk-taking […]

Leo K3 & The Darkside Clique / The Battle for Innocence

Oh, dearie me Ö my grandson Jason asked me to listen to a CD and write a review for him, and he asked me to be nice so as not […]

ElectroCult Circus / All Heed The Cattle Call

Hold onto yer Underoos, kiddies, ‘cause the circus is comin’ to town! Um, that would be ElectroCult Circus, a freewheeling band of neo-hippies who love to express themselves at local […]

Cryptic / Once Holy Realm

The nearly black cover art is an apt portrayal of the contents within: dark, brutal, and dangerous. Fort Wayne’s own death metal mavens Cryptic follow up their successful EP, Prophecy […]

Lori Triplett / Dawn

Lori Triplett has been awing and inspiring audiences in Ohio for the past year and has now begun to advance upon Fort Wayne with her album Dawn firmly in hand. […]

Go Dog Go / Summer 04 EP

After many years of delighting Fort Wayne area audiences with their crisp brand of radio-friendly rock, Go Dog Go have decided to put themselves to sleep. But before heading to […]

Karen Thompson

Karen Thompson, the revered educator and much-admired photographer, may have finally found her la querencia, that place staked out in the arena by the bullfighters to provide sanctuary from the […]

Industrial Strength / Hadel Zone

Fans of Industrial Strength’s ultra-aggressive music have reason to rejoice now that the band has called off their two-year self-imposed hiatus. Bassist Rory Grams is the reason for this resurgence, […]

Tom Keessee

Doing something halfway or part-time typically produces a result that is itself but half-baked. But for the well-regarded local painter Tom Keesee, working part-time has paid off in full. The […]