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Things to Do in Fort Wayne and Beyond


Hou$e of H.E.M.P. / The American Weigh

Upon checking out the cover art collage of the newest H.o.H. release, which juxtaposes such positive role models as (deep breath) Manson, Nixon, McVeigh, Swaggart, Noriega, scandalized priests, Rumsfeld, Bin […]


Less than a year ago, the band that would become Elemental was still a work in progress. Not the music, the band itself. The crew had just picked up bassist […]

Julia Meek

Julia Meek, the widely respected Fort Wayne visual artist and radio personality, has become so associated with all things folk, eco-sound, pantheistic, natural, no artificial ingredients added, cooperative-building and mutual-aid […]

All Nite Skate

The joke begins as an off color comment made by All Nite Skate guitarist Bob Haddad: “Two Arabs walk into a band.” At first glance, this doesn’t make a whole […]

Christopher Ganz

Down a flight of wooden stairs, in the basement, hangs a curtain of Visqueen that hides the artist’s workspace. A sheet of drywall mounted to the wall serves as the […]

Lee Miles / Bear

Strip a song down to its bare essentials – usually a guitar and vocal – and you’ll find out pretty quickly whether it’s any good or not. Layers of studio […]

Blame It on Rio / The Art of Saving Yourself

Jonny Katt and Josh Hatfield form the nuclease of the band, with dual guitars and vocals. Bassist Derek holds down a solid low end and Andrew not only drums but […]

Mad Cow Boys / Mad Cow Boys

“Listen all you people,” swaggers a vocal from the speakers. “I’ve got a little story for you … Listen to this CD, I’ll set the mood.” Enter the Mad Cow […]

Consumed by Fury

When I finally got the call to do a story for whatzup, I was elated. When Mr. whatzup told me, “I figured that since you work for the Bear, you […]

Sayaka Ganz

In early October 2013 two adult whales and one juvenile were carefully loaded onto a moving truck and carried south to the Port Canaveral, Florida. The whales were hung from […]