Known for blending classical and opera standards with rock and pop hits, internationally known Australian ensemble the Ten Tenors have performed for...
The surrounding area has seen its share of talent cross the national stage in recent years. Fort Wayne native Addison Agen was the runner-up on Season...
Country act Little Texas continues to create new music after 24 years on the radio. The band will make a stop at the Niswonger Performing Arts Center...
In 1989, Cleveland ad man Jim Brickman moved to Los Angeles to follow his muse and seek his fortune.
Like a lot of people who move to southern California...
The plane crash that killed Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and the Big Bopper happened 61 years ago, about 12 years before the tragedy was given its name,...
Award-winning humorist Jeanne Robertson discovered her passion for professional speaking on a pageant stage 56 years ago.
Pageants first drew Robertson...
When people think back to the end of World War II and the years that followed, it is often viewed through rose-colored glasses — joyous scenes of celebrations...
Lonestar’s lead singer Ritchie McDonald grew up in a musical family. Just not a country music family.
His grandfather was a member of the Dallas Symphony...