The geniuses at Laika Studios have another winner on their hands with Missing Link, a delightful stop-motion animated feature that’s both fast on its...
Shazam! took the No. 1 spot at the domestic box office for the second consecutive weekend, selling another $25 million. This brings the flick’s 10-day...
Julianne Moore sings and dances her way through another memorable role in Gloria Bell, a English-language remake of the 2013 Chilean film Gloria that...
Warner Bros. brings some levity to their generally dour DC Extended Universe with Shazam!, a well intentioned but ultimately disappointing superhero...
Tim Burton’s new film, Dumbo, took the No. 1 spot at last weekend’s box office over its first three days of release, selling a decent $45 million in...
Writer/director Jordan Peele follows up his breakout debut Get Out with Us, another visceral and confident work of horror with plenty of well-executed...
Jordan Peele’s Get Out follow-up, Us, had an incredible opening weekend, taking the No. 1 spot at the U.S. box office with $70 million in sales while...
Though there have been plenty of other movies and TV specials about the first moon mission, we haven’t seen anything quite like the wondrous new documentary...