The appropriately named J Taylors – husband and wife Jonathan and Janelle Taylor – are a husband-and-wife vocal duo who perform a variety of popular...
Forged from the ashes of destruction, Fort Wayne-based prog-rock upstarts Thematic have been making waves this year as the openers for national acts...
He’s a piano teacher and an accomplished jazz impresario. He has his own internet radio station that he uses to connect with like-minded jazz aficionados...
Ten songs, 35 minutes. Fuzzy guitars, eight-track production and everyman vocals. John “J” Hubner, perhaps best known for both his writing as a music...
Given that none of the members of the band are named James, people always seem to be interested in how James and The Drifters got their name. The story,...
If you’re a fan of local country music, odds are you’ve heard of Staci Stork and Scarlett. They’ve grown a following by playing the usual regional venues...
You’re not likely to find any other band that sounds like The Mimi Burns Band. In fact, I dare you to try. Brave Journey seems to mix traditional Irish,...
The depth and breadth of musical talent in Fort Wayne has been obvious for years, and among the many bands which play not only on local stages but across...