Insidious: The Red Door★★★★★ After stalling out with a pair of tenuously related prequels, the Insidious franchise inevitably returns to the original...
Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny★★★★★ When George Lucas developed the Indiana Jones character, his quests were meant to mimic the rousing movie...
The Flash★★★★★ Arriving with not-so-lightning speed toward the end of the DC Extended Universe’s cinematic run, The Flash is a project that’s technically...
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse★★★★★ Four and a half years after the landmark Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, a follow-up has finally arrived....
The Little Mermaid★★★★★ After a pair of mild artistic successes in Mulan and Cruella, Disney retreats to the tried-and-true live-action remake formula...