Since the Conjuring series of films began with the first entry in 2013, the R-rated horror franchise has summoned supernatural scares that have translated...
So much of our modern lives is dictated by how we interact with screens, whether it’s a smart phone or tablet or computer, that it only seemed to be...
It’s difficult to imagine how a comedy as abysmal as The Happytime Murders actually makes it to a theatrical release.
First announced by The Jim Henson...
Those who have followed the work of Spike Lee during his 30-plus year career know that he’s not a director who shies away from potential controversy...
When he moved to Austin last October, Taylor Fredricks had already wrapped up filming And in a Moment, a film completely shot in Fort Wayne. Now settled...
Whether it’s Harvey Pekar getting a movie made based on his life when he was already in his 60s, Charles Bukowski finally able to pay his bills in his...