Yet another fruitless facsimile of a Disney Renaissance-era animated classic, The Lion King, revisits the animals of Pride Rock, ruled by the tough-but-fair...
Writer/director Ari Aster follows up his terrifying feature debut Hereditary with Midsommar, another grim and disturbing tale that will no doubt leave...
Marvel wins. Marvel always wins. Marvel is the biggest thing to ever happen to the movies. The most dominant single IP holder we’ve ever seen at the...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe closes out its third “phase” with Spider-Man: Far From Home, which follows up the universe-altering events of Avengers:...
In the charming but clumsy Capraesque fable Yesterday, Himesh Patel makes his feature debut as Jack, a down-on-his-luck musician who seemingly suffers...
Pixar’s Toy Story 4 continued to dominate at the U.S. box office, selling another $58 million over its second weekend of release. That brings the flick’s...
Fort Wayne has had its share of memorable figures over the years. Disco Harry and The Walking Man come to mind immediately, along with historic figures...
The toys are back in town one last time for Toy Story 4, a superfluous but satisfying sequel to the seemingly conclusive Toy Story 3 from nine years...