Set in 1820s Oregon during the frontier days, the film introduces us to Otis “Cookie” Figowitz (John Magaro) as he carefully scavenges for berries and...
Based on the 1955 C. S. Forester novel The Good Shepherd, Greyhound stars Tom Hanks as Commander Ernest Krause, a steely World War II Navy captain leading...
Twice a year, Barnes and Noble becomes the cinephile’s favorite place on Earth when they mark all of their Criterion Collection titles 50 percent off.
Months of quarantine have a way of distorting one’s perception of time. With the removal of structured tasks like work and social outings, the “Blursday”...
Around this time every year, I put together a list of my 25 or so favorite films from the first half of the year. This year is different, since we haven’t...
Even though Will Ferrell is a household name, you’d have to go back to 2010’s The Other Guys to find a Ferrell-starring comedy that resonated with both...
This year’s major movie releases are being rescheduled for the fall and for 2021, and the smaller films are either getting shelved for now or released...
Clearly, I’m a film person. It’s my favorite form of entertainment by a landslide. That said, I’m a boy who was raised in the Midwest by a former athlete,...