Every once in a while, an album, a show (Fargo), a film (The Master), an exhibition (Julie Mehretu at the Whitney), or a book (The Road) comes along...
When the ESPN docuseries The Last Dance aired last year, it unveiled plenty of insights into the Chicago Bulls’ historic NBA run in the 1990s. But perhaps...
It feels weird to be writing about the box office every week, but here we are. This past weekend was the most “normal” the movies have been in 16 months....
In an early scene from The Avengers, still the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s finest entry, Scarlett Johansson’s Natasha Romanoff is being interrogated...
How about that? We saw another halfway decent weekend at the movies.
Over the last two weekends we’ve seen domestic receipts near the $100 million mark....
When it comes to films based on video games, the track record over the past 25-plus years has been something less than stellar.
Of the dozens of live-action...