Premiering at the Sundance Film Festival this year with the name 892, the now-retitled thriller Breaking introduces us to beleaguered Lance Cpl. Brian...
Something is going on at the box office. After a seven-week stretch through June and July, the domestic box was averaging just under $200 million per...
One of the sites I’ve visited the most the last 15 or so years, IndieWire, released a list of the 100 Best Films of the 1990s. As any ScreenTime reader...
Bodies Bodies Bodies is a movie that tries so hard to be several different things that it doesn’t amount to much of anything in the end. It wants to...
The latest Brad Pitt film Bullet Train took the No. 1 spot at the domestic box office for the second consecutive weekend, selling another $13.4 million...
Here we are in the middle of the hot summer. As much as I prefer cool temperatures and nighttime to hot summer days, living in New York City has made...
Based on a series of charming mockumentary YouTube shorts from the 2010s, Marcel the Shell with Shoes On is a super-sized film adaptation about a tiny...