On a 1999 episode of his revered series Inside the Actors Studio, James Lipton asked Steven Spielberg about a connection that he saw between Spielberg’s...
Wakanda Forever continued to kill at the box office, bringing in another $67.3 million over the weekend and boosting the flick’s 10-day domestic sales...
Comedian Patton Oswalt has a hilarious bit titled “Great Food Is Cooked By Psychos,” in which he equates his past love for out-there authors and musicians...
When news of Chadwick Boseman’s passing shook the world in August 2020, Black Panther director and co-writer Ryan Coogler was already deep into development...
Ugh, the dreaded Black Adam. Once again this The Rock-led superhero flick has nabbed the No. 1 spot at the U.S. box office, selling another $18.5 million,...
The cultural conversation around “separating the art from the artist” has been around for decades, but the public discourse surrounding the philosophy...